Anna's Archive

Search engine for shadow libraries

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February 2025 Unsealed internal emails in a lawsuit against Meta revealed that the company had downloaded over 81 terabytes of data through Anna's Archive torrents.
January 2025 Telegram suspended Anna's Archive's channel and messaging app access due to copyright infringement, without prior warning. In the same week, Z-Library's Telegram channel was also suspended.
2024 Anna's Archive was again listed in the Notorious Markets List by the United States Trade Representative. The Association of American Publishers identified it as an infringing site and analyzed its cryptocurrency wallets, finding a total of $29,596.21 in received funds.
December 2024 The UK Publishers Association successfully obtained a High Court of Justice order requiring major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block Anna's Archive and other copyright-infringing websites, as part of ongoing efforts to protect copyrighted materials under section 97A of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act.
July 2024 Following the OCLC lawsuit, Anna's Archive replaced its .org mirror with a .gs mirror to avoid US jurisdiction. Shortly after, the .gs domain was suspended, and the site reverted to the original .org domain.
March 2024 The Rotterdam District Court issued a blocking order against Anna's Archive and Library Genesis, requiring major internet service providers in the Netherlands to block these sites following a request by anti-piracy group BREIN. The order was 'dynamic', allowing for blocking of future domain or IP address changes.
March 2024 A group of authors filed a lawsuit against Nvidia in a California federal court, alleging that the company trained its NeMo AI platform using the Books3 dataset, which includes copyrighted data from Anna's Archive.
January 2024 OCLC filed a lawsuit against Anna's Archive in an Ohio federal court, claiming the WorldCat scrape was achieved through cyberattacks and seeking over $5 million in damages and an injunction.
January 2024 Italy's national communications agency ordered Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block Anna's Archive following a copyright complaint by the Italian Publishers Association. The Digital Services Directorate investigated the site and confirmed the presence of copyrighted material, identifying that some servers were likely owned by a Ukrainian hosting provider.
2023 Anna's Archive was first included in the Notorious Markets List by the United States Trade Representative, identifying the site as potentially engaging in large-scale copyright infringement.
October 2023 Anna's Archive scraped the entirety of WorldCat, the world's largest bibliographic database, making its proprietary data freely available. Anna described this as 'a major milestone in mapping out all the books in the world'.
November 2022 Following US law enforcement's seizure of Z-Library domains and arrest of its alleged operators, Anna (Anna Archivist) launched Anna's Archive, initially displaying results from Z-Library and Library Genesis.
September 2022 Pirate Library Mirror (PiLiMi) project successfully completed a full mirror copy of Z-Library, acknowledging deliberate copyright law violations in most countries.

This contents of the box above is based on material from the Wikipedia article Anna's Archive, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

See Also