Continental Army
Colonial army during the American Revolutionary War
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January 25 2024 | Lieutenant General Mary K. Izaguirre becomes the new Surgeon General of the United States Army, taking leadership of the Army Medical Department (AMEDD). |
September 30 2023 | By the end of the fiscal year, approximately 13,000 out of 55,000 Army recruits (24%) participated in the Future Soldier Prep Course (FSPC) to address recruiting challenges post-COVID-19 pandemic. |
January 17 2023 | IPPS-A was deployed for the Army Reserve and Active Army, providing a new mobile app for personnel management and HR services. |
2021 | The U.S. Army implemented a new policy requiring all corporals to complete structured self-development through the basic leader course (BLC), or be laterally assigned as specialists. |
December 2021 | Soldiers were reminded to update their personnel and payroll information in legacy systems before the implementation of the Integrated Personnel and Pay System - Army (IPPS-A). |
2020 | The Army Greens uniform was projected to be first fielded in the summer. |
2020 | ReARMM (Army Force Generation process) was approved to continuously replenish forces for deployment at various unit levels. |
2020 | The Army allocated $30 billion in its fiscal year budget for top six modernization priorities over the next five years, sourced from $8 billion in cost avoidance and $22 billion in program terminations. |
October 1 2020 | The ACFT became the official test of record for all Army soldiers, with a requirement for diagnostic testing prior to this date. |
January 2020 | The Battalion Commander Assessment Program (BCAP) was initiated at Fort Knox, with over 800 majors and lieutenant colonels participating in a five-day selection program for future battalion commanders, introducing a more comprehensive assessment process that considers multiple criteria beyond traditional rank and performance reviews. |
2019 | The Army replaced the Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) with the Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) for the Army Combat Uniform (ACU). |
2019 | The redesigned Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) started, incorporating training on M240 machine gun and M249 squad automatic weapon. |
2018 | The United States Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) was introduced to 60 battalions throughout the Army, replacing the previous Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). |
2018 | Army Futures Command (AFC) was established as a new Army Command (ACOM), becoming a peer to FORSCOM, TRADOC, and AMC, with a mission focused on modernization reform. |
2018 | Army Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno's original projection of reducing the Army to 450,000 active component soldiers, 335,000 in the National Guard, and 195,000 in U.S. Army Reserve was scrapped. |
2018 | The Army Strategy 2018 was articulated, adding an eight-point addendum to the Army Vision for 2028, focusing on brigade, corps, and division-level modernization efforts. |
December 2018 | A pilot program for Infantry One Station Unit Training (OSUT) extending training to 22 weeks was completed, designed to boost infantry readiness. |
November 11 2018 | The Army announced a new version of 'Army Greens' uniform, modeled after World War II-era uniforms, which would become the standard garrison service uniform. |
2017 | A task force was formed to address Army modernization, which initiated organizational shifts of units including CCDC and ARCIC from Army Materiel Command (AMC) and Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). |
2017 | Brigade Modernization project was completed, and its headquarters was renamed the Joint Modernization Command (JMC). |
October 2017 | The Trump administration revised previous downsizing plans, instead proposing to expand the Army by 16,000 soldiers to a total of 476,000 active-duty personnel. |
2016 | Army began retiring hundreds of OH-58 Kiowa Warrior observation helicopters while retaining Apache gunships. |
2015 | Army research, development, and acquisition expenditure was reduced from $32 billion to $21 billion. |
2013 | The U.S. Army restructured its geographical commands to align with six geographical unified combatant commands and transformed its base unit from divisions to modular brigades, allowing any division to command any brigade of the same type. |
June 2013 | The Army announced plans to downsize to 32 active brigade combat teams by 2015, reducing active-duty strength to 490,000 soldiers. |
June 2011 | Army Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey eliminated the black beret for wear with the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) for garrison duty, following years of complaints about its suitability for work conditions. |
This contents of the box above is based on material from the Wikipedia article United States Army, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.